The Advocate has received many telephone calls regarding Jerry Napier of Enterprise Recycling, a private curbside pickup business.
The callers had seen Channel 4’s expose on Napier, which aired in late July. If you missed these segments, reporter Becky Oliver followed Napier for two weeks and captured him discarding recyclables into dumpsters and alleys. He admitted he did not recycle the items.
In addition, Napier had been in this country illegally for more than two years and Channel 4’s investigation resulted in his deportation.
Carlos Rovelo of the City’s Recycling Office says a license is not required for businesses that privately collect recyclables. However, regulations are currently being reevaluated.
Your recycling worries may be over if you live in one of the 56,000 homes included in the City’s curbside pickup program. Scheduled to begin Oct. 3, this program will include many homes in our neighborhood area.
If you can’t wait until then, or, your neighborhood is not included, there are options to hauling your own recyclables. Full Circle Recycling has been privately collecting for the past two years and can show receipts proving they do recycle what they pick up. The Better Business Bureau has no complaints on file about Full Circle Recycling. Contact them at 247-2534.
Project Redirectory Update
The City’s telephone book recycling program collected 418 tons, a 28 percent increase over last year. This program will be repeated in October when the Yellow Pages are delivered.
Reader’s Swap
- Janet Hodge has a 12 foot Ficus tree and several back issues of National Geographic to give away. For information, call 349-4557.
- Debby Lowery is looking for red bricks for a patio she is building. For information, call 827-5780.