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Chicken Little is making the rounds at NorthPark Center — or is he? On this week’s podcast, Carol Toler tells us about her conversation with the original author of the viral email about NorthPark gang activity, and we discuss the police statement debunking the email and whether leaving children at the mall unsupervised — even the No. 7 mall in the country — is a good idea, gang activity or not. Ellen Raff brings up her oft-made point that teenagers simply don’t have enough entertainment venues in our city.

Also, a front-page article in Monday’s Dallas Morning News focuses on Councilman Jerry Allen’s attitude change on apartment complexes in our neighborhood: If you can’t get rid of them, improve them. Our podcasters tend to think this is a logical approach, especially since most neighbors are less concerned with the apartment complexes than how they impact our retail and restaurant situation.

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