Lake Highlands Elementary will hold the first of three Wee Wildcat sessions from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Friday. The program gives parents the opportunity to tour the school, meet the principal and teachers, and see what class time in ‘the bigs’ will be like for their little ones at LHE.

And it’s a blast for the kids. They’ll have an hour of fun learning about the specific subjects taught at the school — Friday is art and music — and become acclimated to the school. They’ll also receive goody bags, courtesy of the world-famous LHE Uniform Fairy — a Wee Wildcats t-shirt, an LHE pencil and a Paw Print wipe off board.

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The next two Wee Wildcat sessions will be Feb. 20, when the LHHS Mascot dropping by for a visit, and April 3. For information, contact Angel Cochran at Lake Highlands Elementary, 469 593-2076 or send her an email.