City Futsal, the sports park created by Lake Highlands High School grads Esteban and Manuel Mariel, has plans for a second location in Richardson.
The twin brothers originally opened City Futsal in 2011 in Carrollton before moving to the Dallas Farmers Market in 2020. Futsal is like indoor soccer, but different. Players have a lot more control over the ball and scoring is higher.
In this January 2012 Advocate feature, the twins’ dad, Federico Mariel, described what sets futsal apart from indoor soccer.
“Unlike its big brother, traditional soccer, futsal is a game of small controlled movements where players are given a lot of contact with the ball and therefore a lot of space to be creative,” Mariel said at the time.
City Futsal has expanded to include more of the family, the twins parents and sister in business operations and social media, according to the Dallas Morning News.
Futsal has attracted many players from across the metroplex and has plans to expand with a second location in Richardson sometime this year, according to the City Futsal website.