Remember Thomas Martinelli and Trekking for Thomas?
We reported on him a couple of years ago. His mother and aunt, Kim and Megan Martinelli, organized Trekking for Thomas. It’s a fun run for kids in honor of Thomas that also raises awareness for peroxisomal disorders.
Thomas was diagnosed with Zellweger Spectrum Disorder, a type of peroxisomal disorder that affected his vision, hearing, muscle tone and metabolism.
What’s new since that time in 2018? In 2019, Trekking for Thomas saw a fourth year but has been put on pause since.
It turns out that last year’s fun run was canceled due to the pandemic. This year, a concert series was planned for November, but that event was also canceled as a result of COVID-19 concerns.
The Trekking for Thomas concert series will pick up sometime in spring of 2022.
For more information, visit the Trekking for Thomas Facebook page.