The New York Giants have created a new video series called “Giants Chronicles.” The premiere featured our Hamilton Park alum Carl “Spider” Lockhart, who we wrote about in September.
During his first school year at Hamilton Park, Lockhart and other transfer students, including Jefferson, were banned from playing on the football team, but not from other sports.In the fall of 1960, Lockhart joined the football team and led it to its first winning season and first championship. The team’s record shows the 1960 football team crushed its opponents, winning every game by a margin of no less than 24 points during the regular season. The team’s best performances were a 60-0 win against Lincoln and a 94-14 win against Bonham.
Following high school, Lockhart played for the University of North Texas before joining the New York Giants. Watch the full video here.
Some notable HP alum in the video include Patricia Price Hicks, Thomas Jefferson and Lockhart’s son, Carl Lockhart Jr.
“If there was a guy that I was going to get into battle with, I would have rather it been with Carl than with any other guy on the team,” Thomas Jefferson says in his interview.
They also interviewed Lockhart’s wife, Erma Hayvis Lockhart and showed a few adorable polaroids of the couple.