Mock Trial Wildcats win

Know a kid who likes to argue? Does your teen make a federal case out of every discussion? You may have a budding mock trial star in your household.

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The Lake Highlands High Mock Trial Team is hosting a recruiting session Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the LHHS library, and their timing is perfect. The crew has earned a trip to the state competition, and they feel good about their chances after recently completing an undefeated season.

The team competed over the last two weekends, defeating Frisco Career and Technology Education Center (law magnet), Uplift Academy, Plano West, Prestonwood Christian Academy and Richardson High’s law magnet. They’ll move on to the state tournament, to be held Feb. 28-March 2 in Dallas.

The Wildcat Mock Trial Team is coached by attorney Kim Elkjer, with the help of LHHS teachers Tracey Bishkin, Casey Boland and Candice Nichols. Student team members are (attorneys): Nicole Clifford (captain), Gabe Olivo (captain and double attorney), Rebeca Contreras (captain), Angela Landry and Loretta David and (witnesses): Kellie Henderson (captain), Zoe Rose, Sheila Tume, Daniel Watson, Lydia Arthur and Nicole Clifford.

Congratulations and good luck, Wildcats!