Set your alarm clock – um, make that your cell phone – to buzz early in the morning. Lake Highlands’ own Terri Hoover will be featured at 6:30 a.m. on the News 8 Daybreak Tuesday.
We’ve featured Terri here plenty of times – when her Artistik Edge hair salon earned “Small Business of the Year” honors from the Lake Highlands Chamber and when she dyed the Wildcat football team’s hair to get them fired up for the playoffs. Channel 8 will focus on her work creating ClickIt4Life, a foundation encouraging the use of seatbelts.
Terri’s mission is personal. She was moved to influence behaviors and save lives after her own 18-year-old son was killed in 2005. When he crashed his truck in East Texas, he was speeding and not wearing a seat belt.
Hoover recruits charitable donations for her foundation, then purchases billboards promoting seatbelt safety. The boards include a large photo of her boy with his death date, and if that seems jarring, well, it is intended to be.
“When a mother loses a child,” she told the Advocate in 2017, “she has to choose either to get bitter or get busy. I chose to get busy.”
The Lake Highlands Exchange Club named her an “Unsung Hero” for her efforts.
Hoover, to put it mildly, speaks her mind boldly. Don’t miss her appearance on WFAA-TV tomorrow. And, for pity’s sake, wear your dang seat belt.