Richardson ISD trustees heard a presentation Monday night from Stantec, the consultants they hired to advise on issues of rapid enrollment growth and overcrowded schools, particularly in the Lake Highlands area and especially at White Rock Elementary. Following their report (you can view their PowerPoint presentation here), Stantec reps recommended that RISD add on to WRE to increase capacity from 908 to 1,150 students. Superintendent Dr. Jeannie Stone recommended to trustees that the district proceed as advised, and they agreed. The construction process will begin immediately so that the school will be ready for students by August 2018.
In addition to adding on to WRE, Stantec evaluated rebalancing WRE with Northlake and LHE, which are both currently underutilized. Redrawing boundaries was a major drawback. Stantec also looked at building another K-6 school near WRE, but found a shortage of land options, redrawing of boundaries and underutilization of WRE as negatives for that choice.
Increasing capacity at WRE will involve more than just building classrooms. Additions and/or enlargements will need to be made to spaces for music, library, cafeteria, assembly, administration and restrooms. Other factors to be considered include flood plain land on WRE’s campus, additional parking needs and traffic lanes, emergency access and service needs for the larger facility.
With RISD administration and trustees approval now behind them, Stantec will conduct community workshops in March to share information with parents and other stakeholders.