White Rock North at White Rock Trail and Walnut Hill. Google Maps

A structure fire at White Rock North School this afternoon caused smoke damage throughout the campus and claimed the lives of two baby chickens caged inside the classroom where the fire started.

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That’s the bad news, however, owing to winter break, no students or staff were around to incur injuries. (Though the children and teacher who cared for those chicks will be heartbroken, no doubt.)

The fire was called into 911 at 1:30 p.m. Emergency responders worked the scene, located at 9727 White Rock Trail, until 2:50 p.m., according to Lt. Michael Guilkey.

Click to enlarge location map

Jason Evans, public information officer for Dallas Fire-Rescue, confirms that a small fire originated in a classroom on the lower level of the school. Investigators concluded it was accidental, he says, and the result of combustible materials being left too close to a heat source.

“Evidently, a small cage, with two chicks inside, was left too close to a heating lamp,” Evans explains.

“While the fire was isolated to the room of origin, smoke damage existed throughout the entire school. There was no one in the school when the fire began, but the two chicks did not make it.”

Students from White Rock North interact with chickens as part of the outdoor learning programs. Facebook photo, White Rock North public page

The school takes pride in its progressive approach to learning that includes an outdoor learning center with gardens, ponds and natural ecosystems, hence the chickens.