On Friday, as Richardson ISD teachers packed up their classrooms and parents celebrated the first day of summer break, Superintendent Dr. Kay Waggoner’s officially released word of her retirement via email and social media.
“Richardson ISD Superintendent Dr. Kay Waggoner announced today that she is retiring from her position after six years in RISD and 35 years in public education,” read the statement. “She has been on leave from the district since April to care for close family members facing serious health issues.”
“It is with mixed emotions that I share with you my decision to retire from Richardson ISD,” Waggoner said in a letter to employees. “My family continues to need my focus and love, and I need to turn my entire attention toward their care. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the opportunity to work in this outstanding district, with exceptional people, serving incredible kids.”
“Dr. Waggoner has served RISD extraordinarily well over the last six years,” said Board of Trustees President Kim Caston. “She is the epitome of a servant leader, has always placed students first, and we are very grateful for her service to the district.”
“Dr. Jeannie Stone will continue to lead RISD as Acting Superintendent,” continued the RISD statement, “and Dr. Waggoner will assist with her transition. The Board of Trustees is expected to evaluate next steps in the Fall.”
We’ll keep you updated here on the blog, and we wish Dr. Waggoner Godspeed as she parts with her friends in the administration building, in the schools and in the parent ranks to care for her family members. Thank you, Dr. Waggoner, for your many years of service!