Moss Haven students and parent volunteers are abuzz with preparations for their 7th annual Peep at the Coops, an urban coop tour May 1st. To kick off the fun, Oak Highlands Brewery is hosting Prost With the Peeps Friday, April 8th from 4-8 p.m., a celebration of all things chicken.
There’ll be dinner from the Rock & Roll Tacos food truck and a wide variety of Oak Highlands craft beers (or non-alcoholic drinks) to enjoy. You can also purchase raffle tickets for a custom coop to start your own urban farm. Entrance to the kickoff is free.
The party is a preview of the main event May 1st, when the public will have a chance to tour 8 urban coops. That event will last from 11-5 and $10 tickets/maps are available the day of the tour at Moss Haven Elementary, 9202 Moss Farm Lane. Classes will be held at 12, 2 and 4 p.m. on all aspects of raising chickens, and there will be family activities, food trucks, vendors and more.