White Rock Elementary parents are standing in long lines this morning, but it has nothing to do with Super Tuesday and the presidential election. They’re frantic to ensure a spot at their neighborhood school by pre-enrolling their children for next year’s class.
At most Richardson ISD schools – and in previous years at White Rock – pre-enrolling has been simple and acceptance automatic. Not this year.
As the popular neighborhood at RISD’s southern boundary has flourished and homeowners with young children have replaced empty nesters, the school’s population has exploded. When school began, some students living in the WRE feeder pattern were “overflowed” to other RISD schools. No one wants to be “that family” this year.
RISD has the office buildings at Walnut Hill and White Rock Trail under contract with plans to blade the buildings and build a new elementary school using funds from the 2016 Bond. While that plan hasn’t been finalized (they may instead opt to build more classrooms onto WRE or find another site for a new school), RISD admits that something must be done to alleviate overcrowding.
The RISD Reflector Committee, comprised of parents, teachers and community members, meets tonight.