Yesterday, did you smell that distinctive stench of rotting eggs, a telltale sign of a gas leak? So did several hundred other Lake Highlands neighbors.
But a thorough search of the neighborhood by Atmos Energy did not turn up any leads to the source of the stink.
“We checked our system and everything was fine. There were no leaks anywhere,” says Allison Kalteyer, spokeswoman for Atmos Energy, adding that her company’s Dallas office took around 200 calls reporting the issue on the company’s emergency line. “We did respond to every lead call we got. But there was no leak.”
Dallas Fire-Rescue did not immediately respond to our query, but numerous neighbors saw their trucks scouring the streets west of White Rock Lake searching for the root of the smell. One neighbor said when she called the fire department to report the problem, she was told more than 50 people had already called in to notify first responders.
Atmos chalked it up to the densely cloudy weather that blanketed the neighborhood.
“Yesterday the atmosphere was really heavy,” Kalteyer says. “There was a lot of smells trapped, including natural gas.”
She reiterated that customers should always call Atmos Energy’s emergency line if one smells gas. “The customers did the right thing by calling in,” she says.