news roundup 264X176Ingenious concept — the Reverse Food Truck. Shoppers at the Lake Highlands Kroger have an opportunity to buy groceries for financially struggling families. I will say that this only adds to my guilt when I am not in a position to help out, like when they ask you to donate at the check-out. Still, it’s a great chance for those who wish to participate, and for the families who receive the food. WFAA has the details.

A 2.5 magnitude earthquake hit Dallas, west of Lake Highlands at Royal near 635, according to The United States Geological Survey and NBC 5, which reports that “the tremblor is the latest in a string of unusual cluster of quakes to strike that general area since Oct. 28, 2014” and touches on a study by the seismologists at Southern Methodist University.

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Dallas police report a new fraud that involves scammers calling residents, posing as Dallas Police representatives, informing residents of (fabricated) missed court dates and demanding money. Details are on the police’s blog. “If you get one of these calls, hang up,” they say. “The Dallas Police Department would never call or email you to demand payment for a fine you have never previously received a letter about.