Rahel Harrison with her dad and brother

Rahel Harrison with her dad and brother

The Lake Highlands Women’s League hosted a reception for their 29 2015 scholarship winners Friday, and they invited parents and other loved ones to be their guests.

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All of the students have overcome challenges of one sort or another, and some are the first in the family to pursue education beyond high school. All recipients expressed gratitude at having been selected and spoke excitedly about the challenges that lie ahead.

Congratulations, students! Mary Arrey, Kayla Banks, Brittany Beck, Derrick Boateng, Tennessee Bonner, Jean Dossou, Hannah Gray, Semien Hagos, Thalia Harnett, Susporiea Harris, Rahel Harrison, Fredrickia Jackson, Genice Johnson, Esther Kariuki, Alex Little, Allyson Livingston, Caroline Livingston, Diana Monyancha, Katie Norris, Claire Parry, Jeffrey Reyes, Adriana Rodriguez, Abighail Seghid, Tyler Squires, DeMarkus Taylor, Reed Thomas, Madison Wachel, Symone Watson and Dara Wemida.

Thalia Harnett, Katie Norris and Adriana Rodriguez

Thalia Harnett, Katie Norris and Adriana Rodriguez