Through May 23, One Thirty Productions presents ‘Heroes,’ a 2005 comedy by French playwright Gerald Sibleyras, set in 1959 in a home for World War I veterans. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749,, $12-$16
The Dallas Arboretum is hosting its annual concert series. Every Thursday night, the Arboretum hosts a different band on the Martin Rutchik Concert Stage and Lawn. Bring your family and friends and your favorite food and drinks, and enjoy a concert overlooking White Rock Lake. All fall concerts are from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Gates open at 6 p.m. The Dallas Arboretum is located at 8525 Garland. You can email for reservations or call 214.515.6615. Tickets are $15-$17 for adult members, $25-$27 for adult nonmembers, and $10 for children ages 3-12. Package deals are also available.
Still have that old VHS player? If you’re looking for a reason to dust it off and give it a whirl, stop by the flagship location of Half Price Books on Northwest Highway on Friday. All VHS tapes in stock priced at $4.98 or less will be sold for $1 on Fridays only, until further notice. Call 214.379.8000 for details.
Vickery Meadow Good Local Market will set up shop in the parking lot of the Flagship HPB every Sunday, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The market provides a connection between local farmers, food producers and craftsmen within our community. Shop food, clothes, jewelry and more, all made by North Texans. The Vickery Meadow Good Local Market accepts debit/credit cards and the Lone Star Card. Support for the market comes from the Vickery Meadow Improvement District.