Last week Lakewood/East Dallas Advocate mentioned that some East Dallas neighbors aren’t excited about White Rock Valley resident Ken Coutant and his petition to expand the trail system near Flag Pole Hill.
A brief summary: While hiking at Flag Pole Hill, Coutant “came up with the idea to expand the trail system into the trees on the northeast corner of the park,” he explains in his bio, and then he adds that “no trees will be felled in the expansion, only invasive undergrowth identified by the city forester will be removed and a 12-inch dirt trail will be created.”
Coutant brought the idea before the White Rock Lake Task Force several weeks ago, and he received an OK. But Michael Jung, with the task force, says Coutant originally only mentioned a hiking trail, and now Coutant has added biking to the mix as well, so the task force has some new questions, comments and concerns — especially since he’s touting their support in his online petition.
Jung asked Coutant to readdress the task force regarding the soft-surface trails, which he will do tomorrow May 12, at 4 p.m. at the Big Thicket building, if you would like to attend. (Sidenote: The dog park reopening is also on the agenda.) We will be there to cover the outcome of the event.