The Moss Haven Elementary Farm is seeking a $2500 grant, and they need your help. Throughout the month of November, Farmer’s Insurance is accepting votes for a variety of projects, happening all over the country. The top 6 schools in 5 voting regions will be awarded funding, and Moss Haven’s farm is in the running. The grant grab is all part of the Farmer’s Insurance “Thank a Million Teachers” program, and Moss Haven supporters in Lake Highlands can vote once daily to increase the chances that MHE wins the $2500.
The MHE Farm is a unique program promoting environmental awareness, healthy living and active learning in the school’s outdoor classroom. Farmer Aman, as teacher Kim Aman is called, helps students work 22 garden beds, a chicken coop, a compost program using cafeteria scraps and a field growing produce given to local food banks. The farm allows hands-on applications of lessons including observation, measurement and problem solving, but many supplies are not funded by RISD. Aman is hoping to earn the grant to purchase farm journals, rainwater harvesting equipment and solar-powered irrigation tools.
Aman traveled to Washington in April to attend the White House Easter Egg Roll as a special guest of First Lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama, a proponent of healthy living for children, heard about Aman’s efforts to teach kids about growing produce and eating healthy.
If you’d like to vote for the MHE Farm, click on this link and enter Aman in the last name box on Step 1. Good luck Moss Haven!