For many self-help and new age authors, the topic of attraction or manifestation — as in, using your thoughts to get what you want in life — has become exceedingly popular. It’s not a new idea — improve your attitude and things go better for you most of the time — it’s no secret (Wink—get it? The Secret, a book about attracting the life you want with your thinking has sold about a bazillion copies).
Lake Highlands author Marney Makridakis (who was featured after writing her last book “Creating Time” in the May 2012 Lake Highlands Advocate) just published a new book about manifesting a wonderful life. However, Makridakis’ “Hop, Skip, Jump: 75 Ways to Playfully Manifest a Meaningful Life” is unique in that it suggests not just mental effort but, further, specific action that is more fun than work. Like “Creating Time”, “Hop, Skip, Jump” offers readers some legit ideas for getting stuff done — neither by imagination nor toiling more relentlessly but by living more creatively.
“Hop, Skip, Jump” presents a blueprint for melding work and play into a single approach and shows how doing so can transform all areas of our lives, Makridakis says. “When it comes to the intersection of play and productivity, the secret is quite simple: what moves us is what moves us, which simply means what moves us emotionally moves us to action. This is why play helps us be productive. Play is many things but it is never still stuck or stagnant; it somehow always moves. So when it comes to manifesting a meaningful life, play works.”