Is your daughter’s favorite part of Wildcat football games the halftime show? Is she mesmerized by dancing beauties in red sequins? Has she been practicing her high kicks and show time smiles in the mirror?
Your daughter may be ready for Dancing with the Dettes.
The Highlandettes are hosting their annual Dancing with the Dettes Dance Clinic Monday, October 13th (a school holiday). Budding dancers, aged Kindergarten through 9th grade, are invited to experience life as a part of this award-winning dance team, including a full day of dances and lunch with the team. At 2:30 p.m., parents are invited to attend a Show-Off Performance. Participants will also perform with the Dettes during pre-game lines at the LHHS vs. Pearce varsity football game October 24 at Wildcat Stadium.
The clinic is open to the community and will be held in the LHHS large gym, small gym and dance studio. Early registration is $55 and a downloadable form is available here.
For more about the Highlandettes, read about their 50-year history here.