Ashton Plotts, a current Highlandette Lieutenant, and Ruthie Rutledge, an officer on last year’s squad, will dance together again as Baylor Songleaders for 2014-15. The girls will perform at Baylor’s beautiful new football stadium in the fall and at pep rallies, homecoming parades, basketball games and other university events.
Ruthie, a 2013 LHHS grad, was part of the Songleader Dance Team last year. Both girls say they look forward to performing across the field from fellow Dettes Berkley Johnson and Anna Starr, both new Texas Pom Squad members, October 4 in Austin.
The 20-member Songleader team will attend dance camp in July to prepare for the season, which kicks off against SMU August 31. Congratulations, girls, and Sic ‘Em!