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Big Hail

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A couple weeks ago, the Dallas area hunkered down while baseball-sized hail and high winds took us by storm. Downtown was spared, but that wasn’t the case in 2012. Many people remember that terrible Texas storm a few years ago. Davette Cheney with Metal Roofs of Texas will never forget.

“I had just moved to Dallas from Oklahoma and I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with all the crazy weather.”

What many Dallas residents don’t know is that after a storm homeowners may only have up to two years to file an insurance claim for any roof damage. For those with damage from 2012, that deadline is fast approaching — June 13.

Cheney’s team is letting residents know that after this date, any damage found to your roof might be considered “wear and tear,” and the insurance companies won’t have to give you a dime.

“We’re trying to remind folks not to let this deadline pass,” Cheney says. Metal Roofs of Texas also is letting Dallas residents know that insurance companies are starting to push homeowners into putting a cosmetic endorsement on their policy that would exclude almost all hail damage to roofs.

“They are trying to limit risk as much as possible,” Cheney says, “which puts you at risk more than ever before. It’s important to know your policy, and if you believe you have damage to your roof from a prior storm then we’re here to help. We offer complimentary damage evaluation to all of our customers.”

20120426_141439Cheney boasts that Metal Roofs’ “Interlock Roof System” can withstand up to a grapefruit-sized hailstone.

“It will withstand 165-mph winds, increase your curb appeal, it is more energy efficient and saves you money on your electric bill.”

Plus, residents will be prepared if or when grapefruits start falling from the Dallas sky.

Metal Roofs of Texas is one of the largest residential metal roofing companies in North America and the exclusive, certified vendor of this type of roof in Texas. The company focuses on high-end homes and tries to eliminate hassles for homeowners.

So don’t wait for the next hailstorm, and certainly don’t wait past June 13 to take advantage of insurance premiums you pay month after month.
