
Destination Imagination team members Shelby Thacker and Matthew Bond

A Destination Imagination team from Hamilton Park Elementary School had the Jackson Branch neighborhood in Lake Highlands covered last weekend.

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Adorable children stood along Audelia Road directing traffic to the park at Aiken Elementary, where a banana, kids and parents manned one of the best “lemonade stands” I’ve personally ever encountered. Sure there was lemonade, but there was an assortment of homemade cupcakes and candy too. And enough enthusiasm to go around. If you see them in the future—and you might because they are attempting to earn the funds to travel to the Destination Imagination (DI) global finals May 21-24 in Tennessee—treat yourself.

DI is a program started by a nonprofit that challenges public school students with problem-solving projects that require basic math, science, language skills as well as communication and, perhaps most importantly, creativity.

Richardson ISD regularly participates and produces high-performing teams.

Look for more on our neighborhood’s DI entrants as the global competition approaches.