Farmer Kim Aman is headed to the White House!
Moss Haven Elementary’s resource teacher and creator of their farm and chicken coop has been invited by First Lady Michelle Obama to participate in the White House Easter Egg Roll. MHE parent Tiffany Walker and Tiffany’s children, 3rd grader Wes and preschooler Brooklyn, will join her. Their plane takes off Saturday.
“Tiffany is my social media chairman, and we’ve been using Twitter and Facebook to promote our school’s farm,” Kim explained. “We’re big fans of Mrs. Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ initiative, and we’ve invited her to visit our school. We’ve gotten a few letters from her.
“The Let’s Move Twitter feed had an application, and we filled it out. We are a healthy school promoting good nutrition and exercise, and we’ve partnered with the United Way, the Cooper Clinic and other agencies. Our efforts are really snowballing.
“We said we wanted to come to the White House and on Wednesday they said ‘Come on!’ They said you have ‘til midnight to let us know you are participating. We’re off to D.C.!”
Kim and Tiffany will be paying their own way, and they have to return Monday night because of Tuesday’s STAAR testing.
“The First Lady works to bring attention to childhood obesity and healthy eating habits, and I am passionate about that. The farm has grown us all to see we don’t want to reward our children with candy and sweets – I give Clementines. In this case, the kids who have everything and the kids who have nothing have the same issues. And so many times, we’re taking our kids to lessons and sports practices and tossing them a sack of Chik-fil-A in the back seat.
“The White House Egg Roll will be wonderful. Dr. Oz will be there and famous musicians and athletes will be there. Mrs. Obama will have dance and yoga and lots of movement. It’s going to be fun. We are very excited.”