The City of Dallas Department of Parks and Recreation is enforcing new guidelines that will impact events held at White Rock Lake and other public parks.
The guidelines are aimed primarily at sound and parking issues related to events such as (but not limited to) races, organized training programs, baseball and softball games, festivals. They were created in response to complaints from neighborhood residents and businesses related primarily to noise and parking. The prohibition of parking on the Winfrey Point grass, which has been contentious, will likely be strictly enforced with these new rules.
Park and Rec representatives already have met with several groups that put on events — including Luke’s Locker, Dallas Running Club, Dallas Marathon, White Rock Racing and more — in an effort to make the rules clear and to warn of consequences for non-compliance. Those consequences could include, according to the presentation, cancellation of event and/or denial of future permits. In addition, participants violating new parking guidelines could be ticketed.
Park and Rec director Willis Winters says the new guidelines are in effect and were utilized last weekend — there were multiple bike and running events at White Rock Last weekend.
Existing, new and revised rules include:
Outdoor training program applicants and athletic field users must submit a plan for approval with each permit application—those applications will require estimated attendance and parking needs and now must include a detailed parking plan.
“No Parking” signs will be added and prohibited parking areas will be more clearly defined.
Amplified sound is allowed no earlier than 8 a.m. and must (as always) comply with the city’s noise ordinance. And no amplified sound is allowed past sunset (may be extended at the discretion of Park Dept. director).
Sound checks must be conducted with a Park Dept. representative prior to the event to ensure compliance.
These and the additional guidelines, which have been or will be presented to neighborhood organizations as well as event organizers in full, comply with city code and are applicable to parks citywide. Fair Park is exempt, according to the presentation. Other special events may receive exemption at the discretion of the director.