You may remember Lake Highlands High grad Jake Gaba and his “dancing in China” Youtube video we featured here on the blog in January. It got more than half a million hits after being shown on Good Morning America and shared on social media around the world, and now the Dartmouth sophomore has been invited to appear on CCTV – China Central Television –to introduce his video on live TV.
Jake leaves April 7th for Beijing (the government-owned network is footing the bill), and he says he’s got lots to do before his week in China.
“They asked me to make a short video to introduce myself showing Dartmouth, America, etc., and they want me to include my friends giving me cheers in Chinese,” he told me. “I’m also going into overdrive practicing my Mandarin. I hope I can get it up to snuff.”
Jake originally went to China to study the language over the Fall 2013 semester, and that led to the making of the dancing video.
Jake tells me the show he’ll be on translates as Mr. Baole’s Video Show.
“I’m not sure how popular the show is,” he said, “but it is on China’s largest network, CCTV1. Probably the equivalent of ABC here in America.”
And, yes, he’ll be dancing on the show.