Ellis Paul_opt

Ellis Paul will take the stage at Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse Friday night at 8 p.m.

Bring the kids to a free reading of “The Mitten” by Roxanna Ramirez at Skillman Southwestern library, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Children are invited to create their own snowflake book craft following the reading.

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Enjoy some acoustic tunes as American songwriter Ellis Paul performs at Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, Friday at 8 p.m. his folk-pop music, which critics say has helped bridge the gap between modern folk and the traditional Woody Guthrie-style sound. The Stray Birds will open the show. Call 214.363.0044 or click here for advance tickets, which are $18. Tickets purchase at the door are $22 each.

Kyle Wood: Kim Leeson

Kyle Wood: Kim Leeson

Today through Saturday are the final days to view Artists of Texas fifth annual show, “No Where But Texas” at Dutch Art Gallery. The exhibit, which ends on Jan. 11, features artwork from more than 80 artists, including works from painter Kyle Wood that run from $150-$3,000. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. To read more about the winning pieces in this year’s exhibit announced Nov. 2, click here.

On Monday night, treat yourself to a gentle yoga class at Lucky Dog Books from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Class cost is $10 and students must bring their own yoga mat. Call 214.827.4860 for more information.