Police on Wednesday evening responded to a reported shooting at White Rock Lake, near the dog park, where they found a man dead from a gunshot wound to mouth, according to a report.

Northeast division police officers responded to the call at about 5 p.m. last night. They found a man dead at the scene, in the 8000 block of Mockingbird. The police report indicates a shot to the mouth and a shot to the head—presumably the shot entered through the mouth and exited the head, but this is all we know at this point.

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An Advocate reader contacted us this morning. He said he was at the dog park last night when he noticed the medical examiner and two crime scene investigator vehicles, which he says made him doubt the credibility of rumors around the dog park that someone had died from heat exposure. He says that was after 7 p.m.

We will report back as soon as we know more.