Central-I-635:  Google Maps

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A man jumps to his death from I-635, lands on Central, before morning traffic.

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Our Far North Dallas reporter this morning posted a brief about a man jumping from the High Five and landing on Central. Someone called it in at 4 a.m., a little before commuters start hitting the roads, according to a sparse police report.

Earlier this month, a man threatened suicide from the same area before surrendering to police.

There was a jumper Jan. 13 from the same overpass.

In Sept. 2012, a man jumped to his death from nearby Audelia Road onto 635 during rush hour traffic.

The list of highway suicides along Central and 635 is lengthy and dates back , but our highways aren’t the only visible high points that lure troubled souls.

documentary was made about San Francisco Bridge jumpers — the mysterious beauty of that particular bridge, the filmmakers and their subjects attest, draws those who wish “to cross over.” Very dark.  There, because of the many tourists’ cameras snapping the bridge, there is a a large quantity of actual footage. It happens “all the time” there a police man in the movie says.

At least we don’t have the mysterious beauty to contend with.