• KERA focuses on the loss of women and Hispanic members on the incoming city council, noting Dallas’ growing Hispanic population. The city is half Anglo and about half black and Hispanic, but the new council could have nine white members, including the mayor. Eight of them could be white men. Can anyone say lawsuit?
• Mayor Rawlings isn’t especially concerned about the Hispanic issue, reports The Morning News. “This is democracy,” he said. “Democracy takes time.” Who knew a Dallas mayor would be so excited about the concept of democracy?
• Steve Thompson at The News writes (behind the paywall) that Jennifer Staubach Gates’ election in District 13 in Preston Hollow and parts of far north Dallas signals a new era in Dallas politics. That all sounds well and good, but ask yourself this: If her name was Jennifer Smith Gates, would she have won the election, let alone by an almost 2-to-1 margin?