Will Moomaw is on the back row, second from right.

Will is on the back row, second from right.

“I’ve never been more excited for anything in my life,” Will Moomaw told me after learning he’d been chosen for the Aggie Wrangler dance team. “Being a team member will require plenty of hard work, practice, and commitment, but I’m prepared for the challenge and ecstatic for the opportunity to represent Texas A&M through what I love doing.”

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Will, finishing his first year in College Station, danced as a Wildcat Wrangler at Lake Highlands High and was a member of the Wildcat football team.

“The best part of being an Aggie Wrangler is that you’ll always be an Aggie Wrangler. I’ve met and danced with alumni who were on the team before I was even born and seen the love that these alumni still have for dance and the team. It’s apparent to me that the friendships I make through the team will last a lifetime and that I’ll always have a bond through common experience with any other Wrangler past present or future.”

Will, a Petroleum Engineering major, says the Aggie Wranglers have a smaller team with a different dance style and stunting technique from what he’s used to at Lake Highlands.

“To prepare for tryouts, my partner, J.J. Pearce grad Amy White, and I danced every day for nearly three months, and about every other day the three months before then. There will certainly be a great deal of learning and polishing to be done before I will be performance-approved by the team, and I will be staying in College Station over the summer to learn routines and work with my partner.”

Somehow, Will has found time for a few other pursuits this summer, as well. He’ll take a few summer school classes, work as a counselor for Fish Camp, and enjoy life as a member of the Texas A&M Waterski Team.

The Wranglers perform all over the state, free of charge, and you can request that they dance at your event by contacting them via their website here.