Members of the Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League outdid themselves this year, hosting Saturday’s Run the Highlands fundraiser with a mix of graceful precision and spirited enthusiasm. The weather was perfect for the 1,035 registrants, the children and families who came out to support participants, and the LHHS cheerleaders, choir members and other volunteers who showed up to help.
You can view my photo slideshow here.
One day later fundraising totals aren’t final, but thousands were raised to build “play” art sculptures and elements at the LH Town Center. The LHJWL has committed to this project over two years, and additional funds will go toward beautification projects around LH.
If you’d like to become a sponsor (it’s never too late!) or if you’d like to bebop around town sporting one of their brightly colored race tees, a few are still available for $10. Mail your check to LHWL, 9619 Buxhill, 75238. A list of generous sponsors can be viewed here.
You can check out a list of race results here.