You probably don’t know that those of us here at Advocate Media also publish the printed State Fair of Texas Visitors Guide that you’ll find just about everywhere at the State Fair, including at most of the entrance gates.

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The printed Guide is a pretty handy too to figure out what’s happening at the Fair, find coupons for food and products being sold there, and also peruse the advertisers who want to make sure you stop by and visit their booths.

But if you can’t wait until arriving at the Fair to find out what your day holds, you can visit our online Guide, which includes all of the same information, plus a daily calendar of events for each day of the Fair, so you can plan in advance what you’ll be doing at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon. (It’s the same technology we use to provide you with a digital edition of our Advocate magazine each month, too.)

Another Fair tip: Check out our beta mobile Fair guide, available on your smartphone at both at home and at the Fair. On the mobile guide, you’ll find even more detailed information about exhibitors, food and events.

Between the printed Guide, the mobile Guide and the digital Guide, you’ll have so much information in your head about Fair activities that you’ll be able to double-fist turkey legs walking down the Midway, and you still won’t miss anything you want to see.