Who knew that keeping track of Dallas’ liquor and wine store activity would require a blog post? But we’re big-time these days, and a lot of national and large regional chains want to be here.
At the end of the rather lengthy post discussing Trader Joe’s arrival in Dallas, I noted that one aspiring national chain, Total Wine and More, had said it was coming to Dallas. So I made a few phone calls, and the consensus seems to be that Total Wine is moving into the empty Office Max space in the Best Buy center on Central between Walnut Hill and Park Lane. Total Wine is one of two chains trying to go national; the other is Beverages & more (or BevMo!, as it likes to be called). If Total Wine is coming, can BevMo! be far behind?
Total Wine’s arrival, set for later this year, will continue to change the booze landscape around here. We’ve already seen Houston’s Spec’s chain, which opened up the street from the potential Total Wine site last month, as well as Trader Joe’s, which specializes in less expensive wine and beer. And if that wasn’t enough, Spec’s walked away from a deal to buy Sigel’s, a storied local chain (and no relation), last week. The rumor is that Goody Goody may be the next suitor for Sigel’s.
Two things are notable about all this. First, the influx of outsiders will force the local chains to consolidate. How many local chains will be left is anyone’s guess, but I’ve been told by more than one person to expect at least two to go. Second, none of the new companies look like they’re going to open in recently wet North Dallas and Preston Hollow, which is what we were told was going to happen if we voted those areas wet.
They’re opening in plces already wet, but which have lots and lots of high-end demographics. Central and Park Lane, for example, will have Spec’s, Total Wine, and the Park Lane Whole Foods. Not that far down Greenville is Central Market, and not that Far up Greenville is one of Goody Goody’s biggest stores. Ironic, no?