Photo of Andrew Green from Facebook

Police are investigating a hit-and-run incident early Saturday that took the life of 14-year-old Lake Highlands student Andrew Green.

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Teenagers typically seem to possess an air of bravado. After all, they know it all. They are tough and think they are indestructible.

Not last Saturday night, though.

You could see the fear and vulnerability — the looks of realization that life can end in an instant even when you’re 14 — in the tear-streaked faces of the hundred or more kids gathered at a Saturday night vigil for the Lake Highlands freshman who “loved sports, loved the girls, and loved to dance.”

Green’s friends told Green’s mother that Saturday at about 2 a.m. near the corner of Church and Skillman, a dark SUV hit the boy, dragged his body several feet and then drove away. Green was dead by the time paramedics arrived.

Police say an investigation is underway; they are questioning said friends.

By that same night, Green’s many acquaintances had organized a candlelight vigil, attended by Green’s mother and sister, a hundred or so students, Young Life leaders and the Lake Highlands football coaches, to name a few.

The Lake Highlands community Saturday gathered to remember Andrew Green.

They remembered him as a funny, good-hearted, active kid. Many of them had spent the previous evening with him at the Lake Highlands High School Football game, after which his mom allowed him to stay overnight with a friend.

Lake Highlands Junior High’s Coach Gibson remembers Green as a team asset.

“He always tried so hard. He wasn’t the biggest or strongest, but he always picked himself up when he got knocked down. He always had a smile and encouraged others,” Gibson says. “He had an awesome heart.”

Andrew Green’s mom Tyrlonda Banks says he loved sports, dancing and the girls— she smiled momentarily, through her tears.

As present as the good memories was anger at the yet unknown driver responsible for Green’s death.

“Please. Please,” begged Green’s mother. “If you know anything about this, call police. That was my baby. They just left him there.”

Another family friend hollered to the rapt gatherers, “I’ve seen people stop when they hit a dog on the street — they pick up the dog, they call for help. But this baby — they just leave him there.”

One young person called this an opportunity to come together as a community, “set aside petty differences.”

A fund for funeral expenses will be set up through Lake Highlands Freshman Center this week. We will let you know more about that soon.

Once I speak to the detective on this case, I promise to report back with more information.

If you have any additional information about this story, please contact me at or call or text me at 972-697-8699.