Swimming pools are difficult to avoid this time of year, especially if you’re under the age of 12. Birthday parties, summer camps and family vacations are just a few places where little ones will inevitably encounter the oversized bathtubs. If your kids aren’t experienced swimmers, make sure they are prepared for the pool this summer by enrolling them in swim lessons at one of our neighborhood swim schools.
• Tracey Panzer-Michelle owns the Floating Kiwis Swim School where she teaches swimming survival skills and pre-competitive stroke lessons to infants and children. Panzer-Michelle, who is infant, child and adult CPR and AED certified, is part of the Infant Aquatics team that teaches “survival swimming” — the ability to float and breathe for an indefinite period of time, regardless of the water’s depth. At Infant Aquatics, every instructor has more than 100 hours of in-water training and education in child development and behavior.
• Lake Highlands resident Amy Adams gives group and private swimming lessons at her home swimming pool, as well as outside the home by request. She has taught swimming for 27 years to more than 2,500 kids and adults and is committed to teaching “safety first.” Visit her blog to see pictures and videos of her lessons.
• The pool at the Lake Highlands North Recreation Center provides training for children of all ages. Classes are taught by American Red Cross certified instructors and consist of eight lessons for each two-week session. Levels range from parent-child and preschool to adult, and classes are $30 for each two-week session.
• Kiddos not quite ready to take the dive into the big kids’ pool? Try the sprayground at the LH Rec Center instead from 10 a.m.-8p.m. daily.