We’ve been described as the Sandwich Generation. We’re young enough that we still have kids depending on us, but we’re old enough to be watching our parents lose their independence and turn back to us for help. Some days it feels nice to see the family “circle the wagons” and lean on each other. Other times it’s overwhelming to think three generations are all relying on you. Sound familiar?
If you have safety concerns about an older adult in your life who’s still driving, Presbyterian Village North is offering “The Driving Dilemma: If and When to Give Up the Keys,” a program to be presented by Dee Wadsworth, MS. Wadsworth is a church gerontologist at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church who speaks to groups on a variety of topics related to longevity and “aging well.” She understands that the car is just as much a symbol of independence to our aging parents as it is to our teenagers, and it can be just as dangerous. Her presentation will address all sides of what she admits is a “touchy subject,” and she’ll offer tips to older adults on keeping their driving skills fresh.
The program, open to older adults and to their “sandwich” caregivers, will be held Thursday, March 3rd at 10:30 am at PVN’s McGowan Performing Arts Center. For more information, go to the PVN website here.