After a successful gig a few weeks ago, Fielder Nelms will sing again at Glen Lake Grill this Friday night from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. This time he’ll be in the bar area instead of the dining room. “I want the Lake Highlands crowd to come sing and be merry,” Fielder told me, “I’m hoping for a sing-a-long, party atmosphere.”
When I attended his earlier performance at GLG, the restaurant was full of LHers, with neighbors popping up from their seats to greet friends at other tables and college kids home from the holidays supporting “Mr. Nelms.”
Many know Fielder as a member of Wes Niles and the Texas Skeeters, but he’s a great solo vocalist, performing songs by Toby Keith, Elton John, Bad Company, Merle Haggard and The Who, to name a few. Join me.