RISD trustees Kim Quirk and Karen Ellis have announced their intentions to run for re-election in May. Theirs are the only seats coming open in 2011, since the RISD uses a yearly rotation for its 7 trustees to keep two-thirds of the board “veterans” each year. No challengers have yet filed to run against them.

Lanet Greenhaw has served the longest, since 1998, but Karen Ellis is a close second, now completing her 12th year and 4th term on the board. Kim Quirk, first elected in 2005, currently serves as Board President.

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Both women have been widely praised for their long hours and dedication, closely studying board issues and visiting schools all over the district to stay abreast of concerns raised by parents and teachers. Both began by taking significant volunteer jobs within their children’s PTAs and booster clubs, then graduated to looking after all students of RISD.

By all accounts, the current board gets along famously, virtually finishing each others’ sentences and keeping rare disagreements respectful. In last year’s election for three open seats, incumbents and mainstream candidates won easily over contenders whose campaigns focused on “shaking up” the status quo.

We’ll keep you updated here on the blog if a real-live contest breaks out.