Every week the Lake Highlands football coaching staff picks and awards a player or players for game-changing hits on the field. It is not necessarily the most violent hit, or the hardest hit, but a hit that make an impact on the game. The player gets his name on a baseball bat known as “The Big Stick,” and gets to keep that bat in his locker the entire week. The bat serves as a reminder that when the lights go on, it’s time to play physical football.

This week, the Lake Highlands coaching staff says four players need to share The Big Stick after a huge 27-21 against Berkner Friday night.

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Derek Floyd, who has already been awarded The Big Stick two other times, and Clint Hardemon were chosen for path-clearing moves on the Wildcats onside kick after the offense tied the game at 7-7 in the second quarter. Floyd and Hardemon opened a lane for Dana Taylor to scoop in and collect the kick to give the Wildcats possession and eventually a 14-7 lead.

Jalen Broussard was recognized for his hit on punt coverage.

And Mitch Marzuola was awarded for knocking his offensive tackle of out a play that forced the ball-carrier to run directly into the waiting arms of Garrett Reeves, which helped the Wildcats get the ball back to end the game.

Other winners include, but are not limited to:

Scott Hanks, Anthony Harris, Zack Knickman, Derek Floyd (2) and Dana Taylor.