Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church is hosting a three-part lecture series in November called “What Every Christian Should Know About Islam,” and it sounds fascinating. Designed to promote understanding and dialogue, the talks will feature two lecturers with a deep understanding of both cultures.
Reem Elghonimi is a U.S. citizen living in Texas, but she was born in Cairo, Egypt. She’s a software consultant finishing her master’s degree in humanities, and soon she’ll begin work on a PhD. Reem has a passion for teaching about Islam’s contributions to world civilization, historical interactions between the Muslim world and the West, and the role of women in Islam, and her insight makes her a highly-sought-after female Muslim public speaker. She believes the key to creating a foundation of hope and peace is optimistic discourse, education and highlighting the interdependencies between Christians, Muslims and all people of faith. Reem is married and has three children.
Marjorie Currey is a member of the Middle East Studies Association as an independent scholar and has taught courses on Islam at SMU and the Hockaday School. She has lived and travelled extensively in the Middle East and North Africa, and she’s been a student of Islam for more than 40 years.
The lecture series will be held at the church, 8525 Audelia (at Shoreview), on three Thursday evenings: November 4, 11 and 18 at 6:30 pm. The event is open to all and church organizers say questions and discussion are encouraged. You can email Kathy Laughlin here if you need more information.