I live in North Lake Highlands. Depending on which route I travel my eight or so miles to work in Lakewood, I might pass three Subway restaurants (when I add dropping kids off at school to the route, I pass at least five that I can think of). Anyway, a new Subway location has been added along my path at Abrams and Northwest, on the Target side (Just what we needed, huh?). If you’re like me, you can get stuck in a Subway rut. Who can blame you, with them in your face all the time? Please allow me to suggest an alternative if you happen to be at that Northwest-Abrams intersection and hungry. Directlly across the street from the new Subway, Eddie’s Deli (or as the bigger sign reads, “Chicago Hot Dog” serves up some of the best dogs I’ve ever tasted in Dallas. No, you won’t find Jared or the low cal menu there, but trust me, this is worth every juicy delicious calorie.

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