“Lighting Master Plan Implementation” is listed number seven on the Dallas Parks/ White Rock Lake Conservancy list of priorities. The estimated cost is $1.8 million. So far there is $400,000 allocated for the project, which will cover the first phase. The lighting of specific areas at the lake will happen in four phases, beginning with limited lighting near the spillway. Limited lighting on the trail along the west side of the lake from the Old Fish Hatchery to Jackson Point is in phase 1B of the plan with the caveat that this lighting will only be added if adjacent Veloway outside of park has lighting. In other words, phase 1B is not yet a sure thing.
White Rock Lighting
About the Author: Christina Hughes Babb
CHRISTINA HUGHES BABB is editor at large at Advocate Magazines. Email her at chughes@advocatemag.com or follow twitter.com/chughesbabb.