About 25 Lake Highlands High School students will forgo summer laziness this week to volunteer for Project Transformation, a summer program for underprivileged children. Hosted by United Methodist churches all over North Texas, the program matches neighborhood kids with nothing to do and teens with a heart to help. The volunteers will help improve the kids’ school readiness by reading with them and to them for two hours each day.
Project Transformation hires college students as summer interns and houses them at SMU for the summer. Each morning they travel to neighborhood churches to interact with “their kids,” playing games, singing songs, and developing relationships. When the LHHS volunteers come in to work on reading skills with the kids, it gives the interns time to prepare lunch, get ready for afternoon activities, and work with other children needing special help. About 850 children will participate over 8 weeks in June and July.
As often happens when volunteering, teens donating their time usually come away feeling as blessed by the experience as the children receiving help. In sitting down to read one-on-one with a child, strong bonds of mutual admiration and appreciation develop.
Next June, when LHHS seniors graduate, Project Transformation will be one of many volunteer projects listed on their resumes. Those who give at least 30 hours will receive a Senior Service Learning Medal to wear with their cap and gown. Once again this year, LHHS led the four RISD high schools in community service hours given. LH teens wil