A roundup of stuff that wouldn’t necessarily make it on the blog, but is worth noting:
• Red light cameras continue to bring in big-time cash for the cities that use them – $1 million or more for Dallas, Arlington, and even Duncanville. On the other hand, University Park’s red light camera system lost $53,000 last year. You can make your own jokes about that.
• “Shields up. Go to red alert.” Apparently, quite a few people like to do that in their living room. The New York Times reports that an increasing number of Star Trek fans are furnishing their homes with full-size replica captain’s chair, the one that James T. Kirk used in the original series. Said one man who built his chair: ““I know it’s not real, but the minute I sit in it, the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.”
• More states are moving to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, which has elicited the usual responses from the usual people. In addition, the El Paso city council voted – and then rescinded its vote – to ask for a national debate about whether to decriminalize marijuana.