This is an incredible book, or so I hear. The first person who ever suggested I read this book was Lake Highlands resident Kurt Neale, whom I met right before he spoke at a chapel-type service for the LHHS football players. Right after he mentioned it, I began hearing about "The Shack" everywhere I turned.
I tend to be skeptical of best-selling books, especially those in the Christian genre. (Sorry to all of you who love "The Prayer of Jabez", "The Purpose Driven Life", and their now dozens of spawn-off titles.) But so many people I love, respect and share literary tastes with have told me that "The Shack" is different, and I must read it. So it’s in my stack of about 20 books I’m trying to delve into.The book’s author, William P. Young, will be at Lake Highlands Church on Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. for a lecture, according to the DMN’s religion blog. Tickets cost $8, and for information, people can contact the church office. (And yes, this is the same "Lake Highlands Church of Awesome" mentioned on Back Talk last week.)