Who’s NED, you say?  Not who, but what — America’s most popular school assembly, that’s what.  If you’re a teacher or parent and you’re looking for a really fun and positive program for your kids for about a half hour at school, check out The NED Show.

The program is produced by All For Kidz and the purpose is to promote academic achievement through character development. NED stands for Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best. And that message is sent to the kids via a yo-yo, of all things.

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After the jump, the NED show at Lake Highlands Elementary:
NED show performer Jeff Plake took the stage at LHE Jan. 27 and thoroughly engaged the entire student body from kinder to 6th with yo-yo tricks and juggling while telling the story of Ned, a fictional boy who started the day not really wanting to do his best. Of course, there was a happy ending!

Audience participation was 100 percent and it was evident that Mr. Plake was having as much fun as the kids.

In concert with the show, the school is offering yo-yos and all their accessories for sale. Both Elsa and I now own Boomerang yo-yos that have auto return and both, after an afternoon of practicing, have mastered the Sleeper and Rock the Cradle. Might not seem like such a big deal but it really is – we didn’t give up, we worked together, we encouraged each other and we did our best. Looking forward to today’s yoyoing.