The Dallas Academy girls basketball game versus Covenant is now international news. And in other new developments, the Covenant coach has been fired, not because of the ostentatious win, but because of comments he made over the weekend stating that he disagreed with his boss’ public apology a few days earlier. This coach has a lot of nerve and must feel pretty confident about his decisions thus far — I mean he must have known that saying this would get him fired, and he did it anyway. So, I’ll give him props for sticking to his guns, but that is all. I still think he behaved incredibly poorly.
Meanwhile, the Dallas Academy girls have made the morning news show rounds, including the Today Show and Good Morning America. All I can say at this point is … wow, how did all this happen?
I do think this whole thing would have died earlier had it not been for this Dallas Morning News video depicting the lovable Dallas Academy girls.