Two pieces of news that reflect on what’s happening with the Town Center. First, construction is halting at a high-end shopping development in Fort Worth’s University district, and the developer says it’s because of the recession. Second, local real estate executives say commercial development will be cut drastically this year because of the credit crunch and the poor economy.

Why does this matter here? Because the  Fort Worth development was further along than the Town Center, with high-end anchors J. Crew and Anthropologie lined up. Plus, its demographics are more appealing to national retailers than the Town Center’s. And if they can’t make it work, what does that say about the Town Center? Said one big-time development type, quoted in the second story: “Most of the significant development is getting pushed to 2010 and 2011.”

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We’re actually on top of these stories, and we’ll have an extensive look at what’s happening with the Town Center and retail development in Lake Highlands in the February magazine, which will be out in a couple of weeks. Plus, our package will include some nifty new features, as we take advantage of our new web site.